

time flies when you're having fun.

This little booger has gotten her 4th tooth this week and learned the word "uh-oh"! We are in for it BUT we love it all at the same time. 

All I can think... Is where has the time gone. And how is she already almost 9 months old!?!


my heart

Happy {heart} day!!

I love that tiny tush. 

And her daddy surprised me with a sweet bag of hand picked goodies. He knows me all too well!! 

sunday. funday.

Today was a beautiful day. We went to church and Jojos as usual...

We got to celebrate our aunt Linda's birthday. Then we went outside and soaked up the sun, listened to the kids run around, watched Fred on the tractor, and let babies nap in our laps. 

It was perfect!

Relaxing days like this make tackling the work week seem possible... Have a great week everyone! 


little Betty Crocker

Bob bob made her an apron so she can cook with mommy. 

It is precious! And I couldn't wait to hang it with mine!

The small things!


Day 2 snowed in!

So this morning I got texts from Erica and mom saying they had NO power. However we were thrilled to STILL have power! I rushed to get everyone (Jeremy's dad got stuck and spent the night!) fed this morning... I even fixed coffee! Then, this mama enjoyed a nice long hot shower. I wasn't sure how long our power would last if theirs went out and wanted to make sure I was clean! :)

As I was getting ready, I couldn't help but look out my window and see this.  I couldn't resist the beauty of outside. 

The pretty red bird outside. 

So, I made Jeremy suit up and come take pictures. 

We enjoyed the simplicity of it all. 

And listened to the limbs fall in the woods.  

Then daddy had a grand idea. We would go visit JoJo. And boy am I glad we did. The views were just beautiful. 

After Jojos, we made a trip to my parents to enjoy some sledding. It made me remember how much I loved it as a kid. And even now. :)

Today has been great. And yet again, I am always thankful for all of God's wonderful gifts. Especially when we make memories like these. 


snow day(s)

Well, we began our day inside watching the blizzard that was taking place outside. We snuggled in our jammies, watched movies and snacked {a lot}. 

After 3, Jeremy and I were both getting cabin fever. Thankfully Jeremy's dad came over to play a little bit {outside in the snow and with his little girl} and let us go out and about in the winter wonderland. 

We went out to see the pretty views!!

Our driveway. 

More of the driveway. 

Down by the river. 

We rode the 4wheeler for about 30 minutes. It didn't take long and we were frozen and so were his goggles. Literally. 

Now we are snuggling up by the fire. Thankful for a warm house and a sweet family to share it with. 


house shenanigans.

So, Jeremy's aunt Erica gave us the most perfect Christmas present. A "L" for our door! I couldn't wait to hang it. 

I've been slowly adding my touch to Jeremy's bachelor pad and the best part... He doesn't care what I do! 

Here is another thing I love:

A quilt stack of both our families history. I'm not going to lie, a part of me wishes I could make a quilt by hand. Just like our families once did. 

Sunday I got a little snuggle time: 

And today, we got this beautiful view of the driveway in the snow. 

Thankful for all of Gods beautiful gifts. 


Hello sunshine.

I love Sundays like these. We went to church, lunch as my grandmas (JoJo's) and the afternoon with my little family doing this:


Two pacies.

Doesn't matter which way she turns, she's got a "Lucille" within hands reach. 

Morning moments. 


Mountain fun

We came to the mountains to celebrate our Pops birthday. He turned 67 today!! We started our weekend with skiing at Sugar! So, the sport I am, I packed up Keaton's things and got ready to sit in the lodge while everyone enjoyed the snow. 

Houston and Wes were unsure of skiing at first. So, we hung out together. 

Pops even sat with us for a little while. 

After a lot of convincing and a whole lot of talking it up, Wes and Houston did it! The really had fun!! 

The next day was a little more low key. 

We drove over to Boone and got to see our uncle Jack! He got to see all the grands and meet Keaton and Eli for the first time. 

Josh even came to see us and visit for a while. We sure do miss those Peppers!! 

We got to finish our day walking through Blowing Rock and enjoyed a bath with our cousin. (: